Best Person for the Job: Andrea Ward

The National Association of Women in Construction is embarking on a new series highlighting members that embody the spirit of NAWIC. Anyone can be the best person for the job in the construction industry – and our NAWIC members are here to prove it!
We believe all of our members bring something unique to the table, and we are thrilled to recognize those of you going above and beyond within our association.
Andrea Ward

Currently located: Nashville, TN
Job title: Controller
NAWIC Position title: I have been Treasurer, Vice-President, and currently President of my Chapter #16. I have been National Marketing Committee Co-Chair 2015-16 and 2019-2020. I am currently the National Chair of the Marketing Committee.
Tell us a little bit about your career and current position.
I started as a file clerk at 18 for a local General Contractor here in Nashville. I worked my way up to AP/AR Mgr and finally Accounting Manager in the 9 years I was with them. I then worked for a cabinet company as their Controller for two years. I accepted a job with my current employer as their Controller and have been with them 14 years as of November 7, 2020.
How long have you been a NAWIC member, and how did you learn about NAWIC?
I have been a member for 7 years since 2013. I learn about NAWIC from a current member at the time and she invited me to the first meeting.
How has NAWIC helped you in your career?
NAWIC has helped me to learn to be a leader. It has helped me to be better speak in groups. It has taught me how I have to be organized to get ahead. I have been a speaker and have been given more operation duties at my company as a result.
What is the best part about being a NAWIC member?
Where to start? The sisterhood first! The diversity of women all across the country. The second is the PD & E. Whether you at Fall Conference, Spring Forum, or National Convention. The speakers and keynotes are great learning tools.
Why do you consider NAWIC to be a great organization?
Because it truly focuses on Women in the construction industry. I am an ABC, CFMA, and NAWIC member. I feel I get more out of NAWIC then I do any other association.
Congratulations to Andrea for being recognized as part of our Best Person for The Job feature series. And thank you for all that you do for NAWIC! If you know of a NAWIC member that deserves to be recognized, contact us today.
Stay tuned for more NAWIC features, published monthly.