Best Person for the Job: Corie Spankowski

Currently located: Chicago, IL
Job title: Director of Operations
NAWIC Position title: I currently serve as a Director on the NAWIC Chicago Metro #325 Board of Directors. I am also a member of the Mentor Program, Membership Committee, and WIC Week Committee.
Tell us a little bit about your career and current position.
I am the Director of Operations for ARCO/Murray’s Tenant Solutions division. ARCO/Murray is a design/build contractor that works nationally on an array of commercial construction projects. I created and oversee the on-boarding process for our tenant solutions group. My other main focuses involve the growth of associates through project execution and efficiency, as well as the development of operational procedures and systems.
How long have you been a NAWIC member, and how did you learn about NAWIC?
I was introduced to Peggy Newquist, current Chicago Metro President, by a coworker and shortly after joined NAWIC in April 2019. So, I have only been a member for about a year and a half, but by diving in headfirst, feel like I have received years’ worth of value and connections already!
How has NAWIC helped you in your career?
NAWIC has allowed me to start building long term relationships with other women in the industry. Connecting with and learning from confident, successful female leaders has given me insight on how I want to model my own career trajectory. And beyond developing the relationships themselves, interacting with the variety of occupations all related to the construction field allows me to stay up on trends and news in the industry.
What is the best part about being a NAWIC member?
The best part about being a NAWIC member is the immediate sense of community and enthusiasm of everyone involved. The energy of all the members makes you want to engage in the meetings and events. When you are surrounded by positive, supportive individuals it is impossible not to feel uplifted!
Why do you consider NAWIC to be a great organization?
NAWIC extends support and focus beyond its members and provides outreach to young girls to introduce them to the possibilities of a career in construction or STEM related field. Between Camp NAWIC, Block Kids, and other educational resources, NAWIC provides a supportive environment for girls to get interested in construction. This is essential if we want to continue to diversify our industry, bring in the best and brightest, and keep raising the bar of success for everyone.
Congratulations to Corie for being recognized as part of our Best Person for The Job feature series. And thank you for joining NAWIC! If you know of a NAWIC member that deserves to be recognized, contact us today.