Best Person for the Job: Paige Aubin

Currently located: Detroit, MI
Job title: CEO/President of Paige Construction
NAWIC Position title: Immediate past President of NAWIC Detroit Chapter 183.
Tell us a little bit about your career and current position.
I have 25 years in the environmental industry and was recently award recipient by the State of Michigan as the first female in Michigan as an abatement estimator / project manager. I am the owner of an environmental company that performs asbestos, lead and mold remediation, that pivoted adding COVID19 disinfectant cleaning, degreasing/deep cleaning as we specialize in high level cleaning.
How long have you been a NAWIC member, and how did you learn about NAWIC?
Joined in 2014 – 7 years. I attended a Habitat for Humanity where there were members of NAWIC in attendance. I was recruited by Rita Brown.
How has NAWIC helped you in your career?
Networking, I have had members share my contact information to others, expanding my profile and services.
What is the best part about being a NAWIC member?
I enjoy meeting other women and hearing their stories & supporting one another. I am in an industry that only have approximately 9 percent of women in it. We need to work with each other and encourage other women to enter into the construction industry.
Why do you consider NAWIC to be a great organization?
I personally have found the comradery among the women is uplifting, the classes that are offered have been beneficial to my company and myself personally, & the support between chapters. I have met other women that have been extremely supportive in my growth.
Congratulations to Paige for being recognized as part of our Best Person for The Job feature series. And thank you for all of your contributions to NAWIC! If you know of a NAWIC member that deserves to be recognized, contact us today.