Best Person for the Job: Kizzy Ferrer, CIT, CDT

Currently located: Sanford, FL
Job title: CEO- Built 4 Inspiration, LLC.; Project Manager- Floridian Custom Homes
NAWIC Position title:
Since joining in 2013 I’ve been involved in the following:
Chapter Level – Greater Orlando Chapter 73
- Membership Committee Chair (2013-2015)
- Director (2015-2016)
- Vice President (2016-2017)
- President Elect (2017-2018)
- Chapter President (2018-2019)
Regional Level – Southeast Region
- PD&E Committee Chair (2019-2021)
- SE Spring Forum Presenter (2021)
National Level
- National PD&E Committee Co-Chair (2019-2020)
- Annual Conference Presenter (2019, 2020, 2021)
Currently I am involved in the following:
Chapter level – Greater Orlando Chapter 73
- PD&E Committee Chair
- Marketing Committee Co-Chair
- Bylaws Chair
- Mentor
Regional Level – Southeast Region
- SE Region PD&E Committee Co-Chair
- SE Region Fall Conference Presenter (2021)
- SE Region NEF Liaison
- SE Region Spring Conference -2022- Planning Committee Co-Chair
National Level
- National Chapter Development / Chapter Chartering Committee Co-Chair 2021-2022
Give a brief overview of your career and current profession – a sentence or two is fine!
I have a passion for leadership, mentorship, and team building. I currently hold a Project Manager position for one of the leading luxury residential builders in Central Florida. In 2018, I founded BUILT 4 INSPIRATION, LLC whose sole mission is to inspire, motivate and equip through transformational speaking, leadership training and career mentoring. For booking inquiries please contact
How long have you been a NAWIC member, and how did you learn about NAWIC?
I became a member in April 2013. I learned about NAWIC during WIC week when a friend took me to a membership mixer.
How has NAWIC helped you in your career?
Before I even became a member, NAWIC helped me make a critical career transition through powerful networking. Women who I didn’t even know that well at the time, referred me to my then employer who hired me. My tenure there lasted for 8 years. During the past 8 years being actively involved in NAWIC has helped me hone leadership abilities I didn’t even know I had! Being exposed to these leadership opportunities through volunteering on committees has taught me how to work well with others, helped me sharpen my career goals, made me more confident and helped me develop and refine my public speaking skills. Two of my proudest moments so far were winning the NAWIC National “Shining Light” Executive Spotlight Award and the Greater Orlando Chapter 73 – President’s Award.
What is the best part about being a NAWIC member?
The camaraderie and networking within NAWIC is powerful. I have developed such strong relationships with the women in my chapter and they have become a huge part of my success. The best part is that in turn, I get to be that for our new members coming into our chapter.
Why do you consider NAWIC to be a great organization?
I consider NAWIC to be a great organization for two reasons –
- Because it delivers on its core purpose to strengthen and amplify the success of women in the construction industry.
- Because it does that for every woman in construction – no matter the race, color, religion or type of job a person holds in construction.
Congratulations to Kizzy for being recognized as part of our Best Person for The Job feature series. And thank you for all of your contributions to NAWIC! If you know of a NAWIC member that deserves to be recognized, contact us today.
Stay tuned for more NAWIC features, published monthly.