Midwest Region

Opening Doors,
Driving Change

The Midwest Region drives innovation, advocacy, and forward movement for Women in Construction that opens doors for both professional growth and organizational excellence.

Join the Midwest Region!

Welcome to Our Amazing Region!

Becoming a member of NAWIC provides networking and growth opportunities for women in construction, and the companies that support them, that are unmatched in other industry organizations.  The diverse experiences and tenure of the 6000+ female members that are working together to drive real change for Women in Construction is our “X Factor”.  Reach out to learn more about how membership can make a difference for your career and/or company.

Midwest Testimonial Barb Allen

Annual Spring Forum
& Fall Conferences

The BEST way to grow your connections and leverage educational opportunities within NAWIC is by attending our Regional Events.  These are typically 2-3 day events and are held in one of our regional chapter cities.  You are sure to head home re-energized and inspired with new information and connections to take back to your project and company.

Barb Allen

Barb Allen

Levocity / 14%ers

Midwest Region Director

Barb Allen

The Midwest Region is comprised of 18 chapters spread across the 9 states of; North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Illinois.  We have 800+ women with diverse industry experience, tenure, and life experiences that have resources and connectivity at their fingertips.  Our resources and connectivity allow for education, mentorship, sponsorship, problem solving, and industry connections that move projects and careers forward.

Checkout our regional website to learn more about what is happening in the Midwest Region and why we feel “Midwest is Best!”. ~Barb