WIC Week Committee

Strategic Focus

The WIC Week Committee is dedicated to fostering collaboration, sharing innovative ideas, and encouraging active participation in WIC Week. Through its efforts, the committee aims to unite and empower women in construction, creating a strong network of support within the industry.

Committee Chair

Ceila Veloz, P.E.
Jobe Materials

Donna Revis

Committee Co-Chair

Donna Revis, CPCU, ARM, AFSB, CRIS

Staff Support

Savannah Nusser

Committee Liason

VP Jodi Wiemerslage
Hunt Electric Corp.

Our Goals

Current Projects or Initiatives:

Women in Construction Week: March 2-8, 2025

Goals for the Coming Year:

  1. 100% Participation
  2. Promote/Encourage and provide support to Chapters
  3. Raise awareness of WIC Week
  4. WIC Week Chapter Contest, recognize small, medium and large chapter winners.

Let’s honor the incredible women making strides in the construction industry. Women in Construction (WIC) Week is all about recognizing the achievements, challenges, and contributions of women in this vital sector.

Meeting Schedule:

First Tuesday of the month starting in December.

Accepting New Members:

The group is composed of each Chapter’s WIC Week Chairs. We are open to include others that would like to participate in our planning and collaboration for 2025 WIC Week.

Skills or Expertise Needed:

The only skills needed are to have a positive attitude and be open to brainstorm ideas from lessons learned on past WIC Week activities.

Eligibility Criteria:

Chapter WIC Week Chair, others – Participated in past WIC Week activities in their chapter.

How to Get Involved:

Contact Celia Veloz celiav@jobeco.com and Donna Revis donnarevis@gmail.com

Committee Member Responsibilities:

WIC Week committee plays a key role in supporting and communicating ideas that make the construction industry more inclusive, support chapters with ideas, encourage participation, and provide innovative ways to advertise WIC week both locally and nationally.