Best Person for the Job: Marissa Bankert

Currently located: Abbottstown, PA

Job title: Executive Director

NAWIC Position title: Yes. I am the President-Elect for NAWIC Chapter #386 in South Central Pennsylvania. Prior to this I served in the Vice President role for the Chapter and was a chartering member.

Tell us a little bit about your career and current position.
I’ve been in association management for about 8 years and love working with groups of people with common interests to make the entire group better. In my current role I work with electrical contractors and apprentices in the electrical industry in Pennsylvania.

How long have you been a NAWIC member, and how did you learn about NAWIC?
I have been a NAWIC member since July 2019 when we chartered our Chapter. I learned about NAWIC through WIC week but there was no local chapter to participate in at the time. When the opportunity presented itself, I jumped!

How has NAWIC helped you in your career?
NAWIC has helped by career by connecting me to other women in construction and their experiences and leadership. I love networking with the women in our Chapter and growing all of our businesses through those connections.

What is the best part about being a NAWIC member?
The best part of being in NAWIC is the genuine friendships that I’ve formed over the past year and a half with like-minded women.

Why do you consider NAWIC to be a great organization?
I think NAWIC is a great organization because it helps to unite women in an industry that is traditionally populated by men and allows them to have shared experiences, education, and opportunities!

Congratulations to Marissa for being recognized as part of our Best Person for The Job feature series. And thank you for joining NAWIC! If you know of a NAWIC member that deserves to be recognized, contact us today.

Stay tuned for more NAWIC features, published monthly.