NAWIC Today Magazine


The Official Publication of the National Association of Women in Construction

NAWIC Today: This issue is all about construction and safety updates in the industry! From NAWIC events, industry updates, and industry professionals, check out how the industry is making great progress to help women within the industry.

28 pages, published 6/3/2024

May. – June

This issue is all about construction and safety updates in the industry! From NAWIC events, industry updates, and industry professionals, check out how the industry is making great progress to help women within the industry.

Read the digital version here.


NAWIC Today: Reaching the Next Generation of Construction Workers

32 pages, published 12/6/2023

Nov. – Dec.

This issue is all about reaching the future generation! From scholarship recipients to construction camps, check out how NAWIC and generations before are helping the youth become aware of careers in construction

Read the digital version here.
Download the printable version here.

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