Sustainability Committee

Mission and Goals

To educate our members and provide resources on Sustainability in the built environment and on the Environmental, Social and Governance factors of our companies within the construction industry. We hope to inspire members to act as Sustainability Ambassadors for their local chapters and be able to infuse a sustainable mindset in everything we do within NAWIC. Collaboration with other NAWIC committees will be key to our overall success and is at the core of our development as a new National Committee.

Kimberly Colella

Committee Chair

Kimberly Colella

Committee Co-Chair

Julie Salinas
NovaTech Electrical Power Services, Inc.

Our Goals

Current Projects or Initiatives:

  • Collaborations with PD&E and DE&I committees.
  • Developing involvement with NEF and the Project Excellence Awards to include a sustainability focus.
  • Quarterly webinars.
  • Resource list for credentials for sustainability professionals.
  • Earth Day 2025 Activity to hold at the Chapter or Regional level.

Committee Achievements:

We are still a new committee but so far we have had a very successful introduction webinar and have plans for some great upcoming events and collaborations.

Committee Goals:

Define other supporting roles beyond the chair positions.

Coordinate study groups for those interested in attaining a certain sustainability professional credential.

Meeting Schedule:

Third Monday of every month.

Accepting New Members:


Skills or Expertise Needed:

No skills or expertise needed.

Eligibility Criteria:

Just a passion for sustainability in the built environment.

How to Get Involved:

Email the chair or co-chair or other member that is already involved.

Committee Member Responsibilities:

Actively participate in monthly meetings and bring ideas and activities back to their local chapters.