Strategic Focus
The Safety & Health Awareness Committee provides NAWIC members and their companies with the information and tools needed to create safe work environments – not only for themselves but also for the communities that surround them in their work and personal lives.

Committee Chair
Jessica Richardson, CHST, CIT, CSP, STSC
Board of Certified Safety Professionals

Committee Co-Chair
Ruth Cante, CHST
The C&F Company, LLC.
Safety & Health Newsletters
Oct. 2024: No Tricks, Just Construction Treats!
Sept. 2024: Transitioning into Autumn with Caution!
July 2024: Spark the Celebration, Not Accidents
June 2024: Beat the Heat on the Job Site!
May 2024: Asthma and Allergen Awareness
April 2024: April Showers and Construction Safety
March 2024: Fall Protection and Ladder Safety
January 2024: Cold Stress and Winter Construction Safety
Dec. 2023: ‘Tis the Season to Sparkle Safely!
November 2023: Enhance Visibility with Reflective Gear
April 2022: Workplace Violence Awareness
February 2022: The Importance of a Safety Culture
January 2022: Ten New Year Resolutions You Can Actually Keep
December 2021: Holiday Safety Concerns in the Workplace
November 2021: Gratitude