Northeast Region
Your Sponsors, Cheerleaders, and Support System
The Northeast Region of NAWIC is laid back and we pride ourselves on maintaining long-term close relationships while valuing every new member’s opinion from the moment you join us!
One of the greatest benefits of belonging to NAWIC is that you will receive an amazing amount of support from fellow members. We develop close relationships, regardless of geography, and champion the idea of being “sponsors” for each other, meaning that we do not simply hand out ideas and advice, we actually go to bat for one another and are actively involved in helping fellow members realize their full potential.
Build your abilities, resume, and confidence
Welcome to Our Amazing Region!
We offer a safe space for you to try on different hats and learn new skills through committee work and special projects. You can use the opportunities provided through your membership to build your abilities, resume, and confidence, leading you to greater success in your career. We build leaders and many of our members have gone on to leadership positions at the National level.
You will find yourself part of a powerful network of people who will look out for you, be your champions, and connect you to resources and professional contacts. When a member finds herself in need of a new position, we rally around and use our personal networks to get her into one that is a good fit.
The Northeast Region of NAWIC is comprised of the Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern states. As a member of the NAWIC Northeast Region, you will gain opportunities to learn and grow as a professional, but also have fun! We value free and open communication and we invite and welcome all to become actively involved.
We look forward to welcoming you to our amazing region! Please contact our Region Director or any of our NAWIC Chapters to learn more about the incredible opportunities NAWIC has to offer!

Every year brings a new theme from our National President. This year, President Kelly Aust has given us “Together We Rise” and this will be the thread that connects us across the country.
Director Jillian Penkin chose our theme for the Northeast Region as “Power In The Room”. Drawing the focus inward on our members and her individual strengths. This is an opportunity to highlight our supporting companies, and a renewed invigoration for the mission of NAWIC – “to strengthen and amplify the success of women in the construction industry”. Through our inner work, ‘The Power in the Room’ will radiate outwards and impact the industry and community around us creating sustainable and inclusive changes to the construction industry as a whole.
Join us and share your energy!
Power in the Room
While most chapters get together monthly, as a region we gather two times a year. Once in the fall to kick off the NAWIC year and once again in the spring. Both events planned by our Region Director, her committee & the host chapter. Together they team up to create an agenda of professional development & education, NAWIC related updates and offer amazing networking and team building opportunities. The 2024 fall conference will be in Stowe, VT, more info on how to register can be found here
The Spring 2025 conference will take place in Plymouth, MA, in May.
More details will be posted and distributed post fall conference. The National Annual Conference for 2025 will be right here in our very own Northeast Region in Boston, MA August 21-25

Jillian Penkin
RD Weis, LLC, Buffalo Niagara Chapter 388
Northeast Region Director
Jillian Penkin
Director, Jillian Penkin has had a memorable and steadfast career with NAWIC and credits much of her personal and professional growth to her years in the organization.
As the Northeast Region Director, Jillian serves on the National Board and is the voice for her region. Jillian will use her experience in service style leadership to support the northeast not only in her 2024-2026 term but to build leaders for the future of NAWIC & construction.
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